What Causes Varicose Veins During Pregnancy?

By Dr. Jose Almeida

June 27, 2016


Varicose veins are a condition that causes your veins to bulge near the surface of your skin. Nobody wants to walk around with large blue or purple veins sticking out on their body, but it can be much harder to avoid while you are pregnant. Varicose veins are one of the most common side effects of pregnancy. While they may be painful and hard to look at, they actually are doing no harm to you or your baby.

The natural changes your body has to undergo to grow a healthy baby make you much more susceptible to varicose veins. The biggest cause of varicose veins during pregnancy is the increased blood flow throughout your body. This increased blood flow is needed to properly care for two growing bodies, but it also puts extra pressure on your blood vessels. If the veins in your lower body are unable to return the extra blood back to the heart in a timely manner, then varicose veins are going to start to form.

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Another major cause of varicose veins during pregnancy is your growing uterus. The uterus is forced to grow to handle a growing baby. Once the uterus grows to a certain size, it will start to push on the blood vessels in the pelvis. This extra pressure on your pelvic veins will usually start to occur after you have been pregnant for around seven months.

Another cause for this condition is your weight gain. Rapidly gaining weight will cause you to get varicose veins at any point in your life. When you combine the rapid weight gain with the increased blood flow associated with pregnancy, then you are exponentially increasing your risk of developing these veins. Managing the weight you gain during your pregnancy can go a long way in preventing varicose veins.

While varicose veins are most likely to form in your legs, they can actually form nearly anywhere in the lower body.

While you can’t do much about the changes happening in your body, there are still several ways to reduce your risk of varicose veins during pregnancy. Elevating your legs when sleeping and sitting may take some pressure off of the veins in your legs. Movement is also key because it helps promote better blood flow and circulation. It is also a good idea to wear compression stockings. They will help to push blood upward and out of your lower legs.

Some women are more susceptible to varicose veins than others, so you may not be able to do anything to prevent them. Since these veins are only being caused by the hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy, they should go away shortly after delivering the baby. If your varicose veins haven’t gone away on their own, Miami Vein Center is here to help. Visit our office in Miami for a consultation regarding treatment options for your veins. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our board certified surgeon.

To request a consultation click here or call 305-854-1555.


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